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Ayurvedic Consultations 

with Gary Gran, DAy, CYT & Cynthia Gran, DAy, E-RYT 500, YACEP

The wisdom of Ayurveda is based on the idea of individual constitution. Each person is seen as a unique blend of physical, psychological, and spiritual elements. When the constitution is understood, we can easily notice which activities promote health, balance, and harmony. We can also see which activities throw us out of balance. This quality of self-awareness along with education is the very basis of preventative medicine, and allows one to take responsibility for one's own health. 


Initial Consultation

In this individualized educational session, your individual constitution and health tendencies will be determined, and specific lifestyle recommendations will be made. This usually includes a discussion of diet, herbs and supplements, but may also include recommendations for exercise, hatha yoga, relaxation and breathing techniques, purification practices, meditation, etc., depending upon the individual needs.


Initial consultation: 1.5 to 2 hours:  $120

Follow-up Consultations

 In these sessions, specific questions and concerns can be discussed, and follow-up adjustments can be made in regards to your initial consultation.  


Follow-up consultations: One hour: $80, Half hour: $40

Gary Gran, DAy, CYT and Cynthia Gran, DAy, E-RYT 500, YACEP are Yoga Teachers and Ayurvedic Educators trained in the Himalayan Tradition of Yoga science and philosophy. They are certified by IHYTA (International Himalayan Yoga Teachers Association), HITA (Himalayan Institute Teachers Association), the Ayurvedic Institute of Albuquerque, and were awarded Diplomate status in Ayurvedic Health Science by the American Ayurvedic Association. Their blogs can be accessed at and 

Gary and Cynthia were formerly board members, teachers, and residents at the Himalayan Institute of Glenview, co-directors of the Evanston School of Yoga, and co-owners of the Annapurna Herb Shop in Evanston, Illinois. Currently Gary & Cynthia are faculty members of The Meditation Center in Minneapolis, Minnesota, where Cynthia also serves on the board. Gary serves on the board of AHYMSIN, the Association of Himalayan Yoga Meditation Societies of America.


Integrative Medicine

with Dr. Pooja Saigal, M.D

Dr. Saigal combines complementary therapies and allopathic (Western) medicine in an individualized manner to address underlying imbalances and to optimize health and wellbeing. She prioritizes direct patient-physician access to support healing. Dr. Saigal’s mission is to inspire healthful self-care practices and compassionate relationships. She offers virtual integrative medicine physician consultations for patients in the Chicago area and throughout Illinois.

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Starting with an initial comprehensive 2-3 hour visit, patients receive holistic advice towards a full life transformation for wellness and healing, including nutrition, healthful weight, exercise, sleep optimization, stress management, supplements, high-yield medications depending on patient preferences, mindfulness, and referrals for manual therapies, acupuncture, energy medicine, or trusted medical subspecialists when necessary.

About Dr. Saigal

Pooja Saigal, M.D., is a board-certified family physician and board-certified integrative medicine physician. She earned her medical degree from Northwestern University and completed her family medicine residency at The University of Chicago. Inspired by her mother's holistic medical approach and several other mentors, she pursued a fellowship in integrative medicine at The University of Arizona's Andrew Weil Center for Integrative Medicine, emphasizing holistic wellness and addressing underlying causes of disease.


...Learn more HERE


Thai Yoga Massage

with Susan Nigro

Traditional Thai massage is an ancient system of healing with its roots in yoga, Ayurveda and meditation. This healing therapy combines rhythmic massage, acupressure, and gentle stretching. Benefits include deep relaxation, increased energy, and Improved alignment of the muscular skeletal system. 

Thai massage takes place on a 3 inch floor mat where clients were loose, comfortable clothing.

Susan Nigro has been teaching yoga and meditation since 2004. She earned her Thai massage certification from the Toronto school of Thai massage in 2018.

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