Welcome to Himalayan Yoga and Meditation Teachers Association. We are a private association for Himalayan Certified yoga instructors. The association provides an opportunity to maintain and build connections with fellow yoga teachers.
As a member you will receive the following benefits:
Four Annual Association Meetings
These meetings will enhance your knowledge as a teacher as well as earn you 2.5 hours per meeting that can be used towards CEU’s [continuing education credits] with Yoga Alliance.
Certified members of the Association lead these half-day events.
Quarterly Newsletter
Stay current on developments in yoga training and be informed of activities of the Association. Each issue includes a summery of the latest quarterly seminar, an article relating to yoga, a feature of one of our certified members(could be you), and a calendar of upcoming events.
Marketing Exposure
HYMTA wants to support you! You will be included in our Himalayan Certified teacher list on our website.
visit member dashboard/home for details
Sundays 1:00 PM - 3:30PM
March 27th, 2022-- Teachers Tea
April 24th, 2022 --
August 28th, 2022 -- Working With Private Clients
We will practice
October 23rd, 2022 -- Ayurveda 101
Experience t
Annual Retreat:
September 23, 24, 25, 2022 – RETREAT WITH PANDIT DABRAL
Retreat will be held at Loyola Retreat Center
We will feature guest speakers within our Himalayan Tradition, as well as professionals in the Yoga Community. Take advantage of a chance to reflect on your own growth as a yoga teacher and network with you colleagues.

75$Every yearHimalayan Yoga & Meditation Teachers AssociationÂ- Annual Membership
- 4 Teacher Enrichment Meetings per Year
- Special Discounts
- Virtual Content