This comprehensive curriculum covers Yoga, Meditation and Vedic Sciences.

New Session begins 3/9/25
"School of Yoga Science"
Our program incorporates the teachings of Himalayan Tradition, the most ancient and authentic tradition in yoga ​
A life Friendly format, completed over 1 year.
Become certified to share your passion​
Deepen your knowledge and understanding of this sacred science. ​
Teaching Hatha yoga with an emphasis on awareness to promote total mind-body development.
200 hour certification program includes:
Teachers Training Program (2nd Sunday of the month) 66.0 hours
Teach 6 Sadhaka Sundays (4th Sunday of the month) 24.0 hours
Meditation Class (6 weeks) 7 hours
Sunday Study Group (4 Meetings) 6 hours
Full Moon Meditation (4) 4 hours
Ethics class (3 hours) 3.0 hours
Home Study (12 months) 15.0 hours
Hatha Classes at HYMC 50.0 hours
TOTAL: 175 hours

The following are ways in which student can specialize their focus while earning the remaining 25 hours to accumulate a total of 200 hours.
Hours per class​
HYMC Workshops 2.0 to 4.0 hour
HYMTA Annual Retreat 16.0 hour
HYMTA Meeting 2.5 hour
Click here to download the TTP 200 Hour application.
New Session (2024/25) starts on SUNDAY MARCH 10TH
For more info call (847)2215250 or email us at hymicenter@yahoo.com.

Fundamentals of Teaching
Neti Pot Cleansing
Centering – Limbering
Joint & Gland Exercises
Diaphragmatic Breathing
Sun Salutation (Surya Namaskar)
Standing Postures
Nadi Shodhana Pranayama
Sitting Postures
Forward Bending Postures
Practice Teaching
Kapalabhati Pranayama
Backward Bending Postures
Twisting Postures
Practice Teaching
Bhastrika Pranayama
Leg Lifts and Abdominal
Strengthening, Inverted Postures
Practice Teaching
Sheetali Pranayama
Bhramari Pranayama
Ujjayi Pranayama
Teaching Special Groups:
Chair Yoga, Gentle Mat Yoga
How and When to Use Props
The Shat Kriyas
Children’s Yoga
Hatha Yoga Exam
Science of Breath
The Five Major Pranas
Introduction to Meditation
Basics of Meditation, Mantra and its Practice,
Chakras, Nadis and Koshas
Science of Breath Exam
Introduction to Yoga Philosophy
Review of Yoga Sutras, Ashtanga Yoga, Karma and Kleshas
Shatkriyas, Bandhas, & Mudras
Meditation Exam
Yoga Anatomy I
Major Systems of the Human Body and Their Functions
Yoga Philosophy Exam
Anatomy II
Therapeutic Yoga, Precautions
Yoga Anatomy Exam
TTP200 Payments
TTP200 program payments can be made via a check to Himalayan Yoga & Meditation Center, or by using a charge card either in person at the office or on phone with the office staff, or via HYMC website. This webpage allows the payment to be made on-line via a secure connection with PayPal which allows using a credit card.
The payment of registration fee must accompany a completely filled out application. If an on-line payment has been made for the registration, the completed application can be mailed to the center, or dropped-off personally (the center is only open during class periods)
The monthly class fee payment can be made on-line prior to the class or paid in person on the morning of the first day of the module class. It is suggested that the student indicate the date of the class in the comments section of the payment voucher during payment process, and print a copy of the on-line payment confirmation e-mail.
Following are the TTP200 payments that can be made on-line via PayPal.
200 Hr Teachers Training Program Policies
Exams are scheduled to be taken before the Teachers Training class begins. Students should arrive by 8:15 am. The exam will begin promptly at 8:30 am. Make up for missing the exam is on Sadhaka Sunday or next scheduled Teachers Training class.
Exam passing grade is 80%. If you do not meet the required percent then student has the opportunity to retake the exam.
If student has taken the exam twice and has not met the required grade. Student must repeat that particular class.
Students living within a 35 mile radius must take their Hatha classes at the center.
Delinquent in monthly payment: If student is more than one month delinquent; student will not be permitted to attend the training program until funds are paid up.
Evaluation of student log will take place 6 months after starting program. Completed log must be turned in the end of February.
Evaluation of readiness to graduate.
Students have 12 months to complete the course. A grace period of 3 months is permitted. If additional time is required, student will be given an additional 3 months, but a late fee of $50 will be charged to the student for each month that the student is delinquent.
An affiliated with the Association of Himalayan Yoga & Meditation Societies INternational

headquartered in Rishikesh, India
under guidance of Swami Ritavan Bharati
Our Ashram in India - www.sadhakagrama.org
Diane McDonald, LMT, E-RYT500
Patricia (Pat) Constabileo, E-RYT500
Anil Saigal, is RYT500 and E-RYT200

Yoga Alliance Certified